The Journey

Start Your Journey with Investor Property
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Before you embark on your journey

Did you ever play the game “I’m going on a trip and I’m going to take…” where the challenge is remembering and repeating what everyone else said and in what order and then coming up with something unique of your own.

This challenge can be true of property investment if you’re trying to pull together snippets of information you’ve seen in newspapers or heard from friends around the BBQ and then to make sense of it all – it’s a game you’re not likely to win without some help.

We believe it boils down to one key point; the gap between knowledge and understanding. It’s one thing to know about statistics and strategies but it’s another thing completely to truly understand them and how they can be applied . Just like a seasoned traveller who has insight beyond the ability to read a map, knowing the topography of the landscape, the weather conditions, the local hidden gems and the areas to avoid can make or break a trip.

All investment knowledge is cumulative making the importance of leveraging the experience of others who have a proven track record imperative. Part of that experience is the ability to understand that every asset you purchase under your investment strategy will either enable or limit it and, most importantly, the ability to know the difference. While property can be a forgiving asset class, getting it right has never been harder and therefore mapping out the right journey for you along with the right enablers and be a chasm otherwise impassable.

Working with an Investor Property Coach is about bridging that gap.

There is no shortage of information on property, so why is it that most property investors fail to achieve their goals?

As part of celebrating our 20 Years of Investor Property we have produced videos with clients, partners and staff to share ’20 reasons to invest with Investor Property’. Watch the videos here

Your Guide

Founded in 2004, Investor Property exists to help people navigate the excess of confusing opinion and data that surrounds property and achieve their residential property investment goals and the freedom that affords.

We do this through a business model founded on the strong conviction that a valuable and uniquely cooperative partnership between builders, developers, residents, ourselves and you, our client, will help to build financial stability in both equity and income.

We do the research and have the insights and experience to map a positive journey for you.

Your Experience

Partnering with your Investor Property Specialist you will experience a guided journey tailored specifically to your needs and circumstances.

You will be coached with useful information and expert insights to make decisions confidently, and investment opportunities will be researched to ensure they meet your personalised plan prior to presenting for your consideration.

Keeping you safe and in control at all times, multiple cash flow protection strategies can be put in place and your investments taken care of by expert property managers to ensure you have the best opportunity to maximise growth and yield potential.

The Itinerary

The journey to freedom passes through three distinct phases – Accumulate, Hold & Manage, and Harvest – and you may repeat these phases as many times as you like. We won’t weigh you down with all the specific details right now as your guide will prompt you when it’s time to move to the next step.

Note: How and when you move through the three stages determines the level of success achieved throughout the journey. Very few investors make it to the Harvest stage having effectively managed the Hold phase to achieve their growth target without specialised support. Sticking with your guide is the best way to navigate this journey.

Destination Sunshine Coast

The Sunshine Coast is prime for investing!

$ bn
infrastructure investment
population growth
visitors per annum
$ bn
economy by 2033

PLUS: the biggest game changer a (non-capital) Australian city has seen!

Latest Edition | 2024

Sunshine Coast

Property Market Report

Latest Edition | 2024

Sunshine Coast

Property Market Report

Our Approach


We will help you identify the right types of properties to enable your strategy.

Hold & Manage

During this phase the focus is on managing your property/ies to ensure you reach your goal.


We believe time and circumstances change so we teach 3 varied harvest options.

Can I bring a friend?

It’s not just property investors we help. Our access to creative and innovative product, as well as some of the best property opportunities in the regions we focus, has given rise to multiple other ways we support people on their residential property journey.

Part of this is providing support to first time purchasers with our First Home Buyers Academy. What we found over the years is that more and more people are contacting us to access the properties that we source and thoroughly review. When it comes to First Home Buyers we also found that not only are they looking for affordable properties and thereby competing with investors, but also the challenges in getting into the market and understanding how to buy a home for First Home Buyers are very similar to an investor in understanding how to invest.

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