Rental Assurance Guarantee

5 Year Rental Assurance Program

Our 5-year Rental Assurance is like an airbag for your cashflow!

You wouldn’t drive a car without insurance, and you wouldn’t get on a long-haul flight without a neck pillow! What’s your back-up plan for your investment property?

Just like you buy travel insurance when planning an amazing time away, you hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Our rental assurance guarantee is designed for just that.

While property investment is a great way to build long term wealth, sometimes circumstances beyond our control can upset the plan – like a tenant who moves out unexpectedly or is behind with their rent.

Depending on how either situation persists, this can be a drain on your financial resources and a complication in daily life you could well do without.

That’s why we developed our 5 Year Rental Assurance Program so you have NO Vacancy, NO Arrears and NO Worries*

We know that most property investors’ two biggest concerns are vacancy and arrears – so we wanted to do something positive to take that worry away!

With a Minimum Initial Rent and certainty of payment during times of vacancy or tenant arrears our Rental Assurance Program overcomes the challenge that many property investors can encounter. It’s just one of the ways we make creating real wealth through property easy. Call now for more information 1800 248 911, or complete the form below.

Destination Sunshine Coast

This is now the most exciting region in Australia for property investors to be considering.

Driven by billions of dollars of infrastructure projects funded by the private and public sectors, the Sunshine Coast is poised to expand at a level that is unprecedented and importantly, sustainable well into the future.

  • Over $12.5bn of job creating infrastructure underway
  • Massive expansion of Gross Regional Product
  • $5.2bn Oceanside Health Precinct underway
  • Australia’s only $4bn ‘Greenfield’ CBD underway
  • International Subsea Broadband Cable – Connected!
  • New runway complete – now ‘International’ Airport
  • New $450m Actventure Theme Park about to commence
  • $450m expansion to Sunshine Plaza completed!
  • 100,000+ new jobs being created!
  • Low vacancy rate
  • High population growth rate
  • High job creation rate
  • Plus, MORE!
Latest Edition | 2024

Sunshine Coast

Property Market Report

Latest Edition | 2024

Sunshine Coast

Property Market Report

Supplies For Your Journey

The Latest Opportunities

We're Excited About

In addition to identifying areas to invest, a big part of what we do is conducting extensive due diligence on the builders and developers we work with and finding creative solutions to meet our client’s needs and deliver property that is of high quality, has low risk and high potential for capital growth.

*Conditions apply.

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