A survey released earlier this month has revealed more than 200,000 people are considering making the big move to Queensland…but where exactly are they going to live? The Property Council of Australia found 1 in 20 people from Sydney and Melbourne are ‘definitely’ or ‘probably’ looking to move interstate in the next five years, with…
A survey released earlier this month has revealed more than 200,000 people are considering making the big move to Queensland…but where exactly are they going to live?
The Property Council of Australia found 1 in 20 people from Sydney and Melbourne are ‘definitely’ or ‘probably’ looking to move interstate in the next five years, with two thirds (or 220,000 people) keen to call the Sunshine state home. To put that into perspective, around 317,000 people currently live on the Sunshine Coast….and that 220,000 is just from Sydney and Melbourne! The majority of those plan to move to the Sunshine Coast, Brisbane or the Gold Coast.
Why? Well the survey also revealed the top reasons for why people want to live in Queensland:
While this new data isn’t exactly surprising, it is another nod to how critical it is we start addressing the housing crisis. The survey also asked South-East Queenslanders for their sentiment on migration, and while 75 per cent of people said they were concerned about housing affordability, only 37 per cent were worried about the level of interstate migration. What this shows is people are not scared of growth, they’re more concerned about how this will affect the property market.
This week our ‘Homes for Everyone’ campaign was featured in Sunshine Coast News. It highlighted the work Direct Collective is doing to create awareness about the housing crisis, and how we have provided a full solution to create change.
To pull out part of the article, in response to the campaign Noosa Council said:
“The solution would take more than simply “increasing supply”, adding that “in markets like Noosa, when property prices are at a premium, just providing more supply does not deliver affordable housing outcomes”.
And in the article Sunshine Coast Council said:
There are multiple “dynamic and complex contributing factors” to the crisis.
“This includes factors affecting everybody such as rising inflation, rising interest rates and the high level of volatility in the price of labour and materials in the construction market,” a SCC spokesperson said.
“Locally, our region has also experienced the flow-on effects from a global pandemic that fundamentally changed the way we all live and work.
“Our Sunshine Coast region is one of the most attractive places in the nation to live – and we have seen many people leave the major capital cities and move here to live and work in the best location possible.”
“(Sunshine Coast) Council has been actively planning for population growth for many years and remains committed to the intricate task of planning for growth in healthy, sustainable and innovative ways.”
Sunshine Coast Council said it is “progressing record numbers of development and building applications”.
These responses show part of the problem we are having is both local councils have a lack of understanding around the housing issue. Firstly, they need to understand and accept what caused the problem (which we have answered on the H4E website here). They also need to recognise supply IS the answer. We need more dwellings and more places for people to live, and there are two places this needs to come from:
We all know that governments aren’t going to provide enough supply. So the answer is to support individual investors to purchase more. It’s also a great way to help with their retirement! It’s why we have included solutions to help YOU to be able to purchase more, to build your wealth AND help those in need.
We have some really exciting news coming on that front.
In the interim all levels of government need to respond, that’s why we are building a site with all the causes and all the answers. It won’t be enough though. To get the decision makers to actually take note, to get all the politicians on board, to get them to not just understand but act on every cause, we need to show them how many of us want this change and now. Because change now means that it still gets worse for a couple of years before it gets better.
Show your support – homesforeveryone.com.au, help us help you to be the answer.